The Path of Illumination (day 2)

1:21 AM

"From Santi’s earthly tomb with demon’s hole
‘cross Rome the mystic elements unfold
the path is laid; the sacred test
let angels guide you on your lofty quest..."

Raphael Santi's tomb

Although Robert Langdon made a mistake by thinking that the Pantheon is part of the Path of Illumination, I  had to include it anyway in my search for the Path, cause I wanted to repeat exactly what he did.
And by the way, Pantheon is definitely a "must see" place in Rome! A huge old monument surrounded by "recently" built buildings makes a perfect contrast. We just enjoyed!

Chigi chapel 

Chigi chapel designed by Raphael and including Bernini's sculpture of "Habakkuk and the Angel" is the first altar of science which represents Earth as one of the mystic elements. You can find it in the church Santa Maria del Popolo at the  square of the same name. I had the bad luck and Chigi chapel was in renovation when I was visiting Rome and trust me when I saw the sign I almost cried! :(
But on the other hand - isn't that a reason for me to come back to Rome one day? Of course it is! :D
Although I couldn't see it you can find it on the last (borrowed) picture in this section ;)


The St. Peter's Square is the second altar of science representing Air as an element. It's not the second one we visited that day cause we actually followed the map guided by idea of finding the shortest way of visiting all pieces of the Path. So, we didn't follow the order form the book, unfortunately... But on the other hand - we saw the night falling down on this square and it looks amazing by night as you can see!
And we saw the clue - Bernini's "West Ponente" - angel blowing a West Wind in a direction of the next altar...


This little church is the third altar of science which represents Fire. Inside of it is the third clue - Bernini's sculpture "The ecstasy of Saint Teresa" with the angel showing the direction of the next altar of science. Unfortunately we didn't have time nor strength to find all the pieces of the puzzle in one day as we planed, so you can see me on the second picture in a different clothes because we visited this church the next day!
This picture of mine could actually be a teaser for the next outfit post!
This is, after all, a fashion blog! :P

fountain of four rivers

And the last altar of science is Navona square with the "Fountain of Four Rivers" designed, of course, by Bernini. The fourth element is - as you guess - Water.
On the top of this huge obelisk (you can see below) is the fourth clue - a dove showing a direction of the last piece of the Path of Illumination.

Castel Sant' Angelo

Finally there!
Illuminati lair also known as The Church of Illumination and officially called - Castel Sant'Angelo.
A beautiful castle with the bridge of the same name leading to it. The clue from the beginning said "...let angels guide you on your lofty quest..." and this place is, as you can see, filled with angles sculptures.
The one on the top of the castle is holding his sword in the direction of the center of the castle showing to us (and to Langdon) that we're on the right place! It felt so good to finally see this place cause since reading Dan Brown's Angels&Demons my biggest wish was to visit Rome :)
Anyway - in the next post besides my new outfit, you'll see the view from the top of this castle! Trust me - it's spectacular! ;)

...and I was wearing:
shirt - PULL&BEAR (boyfriend's)
shorts - TALLY WEIJL
shoes - CONVERS
bracelets - random stores
ring - OASAP (find it here)

P.S. Znam da je svima vama koji niste pročitali knjigu "Andjeli i Demoni" ovaj post bio dosadan i verovatno niste čitali tekst, medjutim, meni je jedan od omiljenih jer mi se ispunila veeelika želja da vidim sva ova mesta, tako da sam morala da ga objavim! :D

U narednom postu obećavam mnooogo mnogo više outfit sličica! ;)
Ljubac do tada! :***

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  1. Super su fotke! Baš ste se nauživali,a i našetali verujem :)

  2. Uuu odlichna je majica :) Super fotke :)

  3. Citala sam knjigu i bilo mi je drago da procitam sve ovo i da vidim fotke. Prelepe su.. Jedva cekam da idem u Rim i da sve to vidim uzivo. :))

  4. outfit ti je diiivan :D
    slike takodjer , gledajuci ih dobila sam zelju da posjetim to sve :) <3

  5. Rim je predivan! BIla sam prije nekoliko godina, apsloutno sam se oduševila! Grad je predivan, odiše onim povijenim štihom, i čovjek se osjeća kao da je u nekom drugom vremenu zaist! Divne su slike ! Ljubim! :*

  6. Sektasice , najzad si se odala !Vreme je bilo ,posle naopakog krsta i ovo da vidimo
    cemu se ti klanjas,nisi ni svesna.Cega se pametan stidi, neki drugi se ponosi

    1. a da se ti malo sobom pozabavis?

  7. Oh wow, the pictures are beautiful! I like it! I like your shorts too, the color is amazing!

    Anyway Marija, I would like to invite you and your readers to this new Bloggers Against Social Injustice network where fashion bloggers come together to make this world a better place.

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    Bloggers Against Social Injustice

  8. aaaaaa, ovo mi je tvoj omiljeni post do sada :) kad sam citala andjele i demone, samo sam razmisljala kako je steta sto je nisam citala pre maturske ekskurzije, jer bih uradila isto ovo :)
    majica je genijalna btw :*
